Facebook Live Daily Prayer Schedule:
Pastor Anne will offer Facebook Live prayers and devotions Monday-Thursday at 8 am.
Look for her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ anne.meredith.kyle/.
Prayers for Healing
Sunday, September 1 following worship
Pastor Anne will offer laying on of hands and prayers for healing following worship.
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Tuesdays at 2 pm
We meet at church to pray for our church and community.
God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday
Sunday, September 8 beginning at 9:30 am
This is a week designated by the ELCA for volunteer projects around the world. Christ & Trinity plans to highlight our relationships with our Compassion International children, Mouniratou (age 10 from Burkina Faso) and Getayawkal (age 20 from Ethiopia) and we will also be doing some tasks in preparation for an Empty Bowls fundraiser for Open Door Ministries. Breakfast will be provided for our workers at 9:30am. Activities will wrap up before our 11:00 worship. Come along and bring your friends! All are welcome!
2nd Annual Trunk Sale
Saturday, September 21 in the church parking lot
We will invite folks from the Church and from the community to sell rummage sale stuff in the parking lot, from the trunk of their car. Sellers who plan to give all proceeds to Christ and Trinity will park for free. Those who prefer to keep their proceeds will park for $30. All sellers will bring items on the day of the sale only. No items will be collected at the church for sale. Each seller is responsible for their own items. The lot will be open to anyone who wishes to sell. Please invite family and friends to set up a
booth. For more information, call the church office.
Saturday “VBS”
Saturday, October 5 from 2:00-4:00pm
Middle School and HS youth are encouraged to be helpers for our program, designed for pre-school through 4th graders. The theme will be Jesus Teaches Us to Pray and will be held with Calvary Episcopal.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00 pm, beginning September 11
Our Bible study will be from The Good Book Club study of the books of Luke and Acts. The leaflets for each week will be emailed to participants. You may also pick up a copy in the fellowship hall. At our first meeting we will discuss plans to meet in person once a month for a light supper and study.
Empty Bowls Soup Supper
Saturday, November 16 from 4:00-7:00pm
This is a fundraising event that gives the raised funds to groups that provide food for those in need by selling a soup supper which includes a handmade bowl. The funds raised would go to support Open Door. The event will be held in our church hall on Saturday November 16th from 4-7pm. Can you help? Call the church office.
5th Sunday Combined Worship Service
Sunday, September 29 at Calvary Episcopal, beginning at 11:00am
Calvary will be our host for this month’s 5th Sunday joint service. We will also join with Burns Chapel Freewill Baptist. There will be a lunch following worship, with Calvary providing the main dish. Please bring a dish to share.